Create an Import
Pricelist Imports allows you to generate multiple pricelists containing multiple items on both Inventory and Warehouse level pricing from a spreadsheet template.
You can find 'Pricelist Imports' under the 'Data Imports' navigation menu item.
You can create a new Import by clicking the 'Add New Pricelist Import' button found at the top-left of the screen.
On the 'Import Document' panel, select the 'Company' you wish to import data for. The 'Document Status' will then default to 'In Progress'.
Setup Your Data Import File
You now need to attach your data import spreadsheet to your 'Pricelist Import' in Paradigm, the following steps will cover how to setup your data import file.
Here is an example of a completed data import file for Pricelists.
You can download an empty template here, attached to the bottom of this article.
Note : Do not format any of the cells on the template spreadsheet, Paradigm is designed to read this specific setup. Only the data input is required.
The template fields are as follows :
'Pricelist Code' : This is the pricelist you wish to add data lines to, this pricelist code needs to exist within the Paradigm system before hand in order for the import to work.
'Inventory Code' : This determines the Inventory Item to be priced on the specified pricelist.
'Warehouse Code' : If you want to have the specified Inventory Item priced at a Warehouse level rather than at an Inventory level, fill in the code for the necessary Warehouse here, leave this field blank if you wish to apply the pricing at an Inventory level.
'Unit Price' : This will be the price set to the Inventory Item.
'Toggle Tax Y | N' : This tells paradigm whether the 'Unit Price' provided is the Price Including/Excluding tax. Selecting 'Y' would mean that the unit price would be the Inclusive Unit Price. Selecting 'N' would mean that the unit price would be the Exclusive Unit Price.
Once you have filled in all the required data, you must now save the spreadsheet as a (Comma Delimited) CSV file.
In Excel click 'File' > 'Save As'.
In the file type drop down menu underneath the file name, select 'CSV (Comma delimited) (*.csv)'.
Generating Pricelist Details from Your Import Data
Attach the CSV file to the 'Data Import' in Paradigm. You can drag and drop the file onto the open pane on the 'Data Import' screen. Alternatively, you can click the 'Add From File' button.
This button will allow you to browse your local files and select the file you wish to attach.
Once you have successfully attached the CSV file, click the 'Import Data from CSV Attachment' button.
This will populate the 'Pricelist Import Data' tab with the lines from the import file.
In the case that there are any validation errors. The imported file must be amended and then re-imported. You can do this by clicking the 'Reset Data Import' button.
This will clear the 'Pricelist Import Data' tab.
Navigate to the 'CSV Attachment tab and click the 'Unlink' button.
This will remove the attached file. You can now amend your data in the Excel spreadsheet and then re-attach as a CSV file and re-import the data.
In the case that the 'Pricelist Code does not exist' validation error shows up, you will have to create a new Pricelist within Paradigm that utilizes the same code. This pricelist can be empty, it will be populated by the data import once successfully processed.
Once you have validated your import data you can click the 'Approve Import Data' button.
This will set the 'Approval Status' to 'Approved' and set the 'Date Approved' to the current day.
Once the Data Import has been approved, the 'Process Data Import' button will enable.
This will populate all of the Pricelists provided within the import data with the relevant pricelist details that can now be viewed from within Paradigm.